RSS feeds


At CHERSIlibri, all users and each user, have an RSS feed for their blog.

Enter a username to view her blog feed, and other details.

External feeds

In addition to displaying RSS feeds, CHERSIlibri offers this OPML file which lists all RSS feeds that are collected here.

Syndicate: Catalogo dei libri

- Catalogo dei libri
- Il catalogo in .pdf
- Il catalogo on-line

The feeds above may be mixed by listing term IDs at the end of the url. ID's should be separated by commas. For example, here is a feed for Catalogo dei libri, Il catalogo on-line, Il catalogo in .pdf

Syndicate: Gallerie immagini

- Inediti (20)
- Libri pubblicati (45)
 - Schwitters
 - Schwitters
- Recensioni (2)
- Varie (67)

The feeds above may be mixed by listing term IDs at the end of the url. ID's should be separated by commas. For example, here is a feed for Recensioni, Libri pubblicati, Varie

Syndicate: Inediti on-line

- Franck Pavloff
- Georges Bataille
- Paul Lafargue - la religione del capitale
- Paul Lafargue - Pio IX in Paradiso (3)

The feeds above may be mixed by listing term IDs at the end of the url. ID's should be separated by commas. For example, here is a feed for Paul Lafargue - la religione del capitale, Georges Bataille, Franck Pavloff

Syndicate: Newsletter

Syndicate: Recensioni